The pictures contained on this site are © Bottom Pineapple Productions except where indicated otherwise. They are however available for use as linkware - they may used according to the following conditions:

  1. Any use must in no way be associated with illegal activities.
  2. No profit is made from the use of the pictures.
  3. Use may be granted for profit making purposes only by prior consent. For consent, e-mail details of your intended use to . Royalties may be requested. Consent will normally be given to charitable publications.
  4. Intention to use any pictures is registered by e-mailing details of the web address or other use to
  5. Any use of the pictures in printed form must be available to Bottom Pineapple Publications if requested.
  6. A prominent copyright attribution and a link to this page must be included. Examples of acceptable attributions include (but are not limited to) an alternative (an <ALT>) text, a caption, or a reference on a links page or thanks to... page.
    (eg. "Images © Bottom Pineapple Publications:")
  7. Bottom Pineapple Publications reserve the right to deny usage without explanation (though a reason may be given.) If usage is denied, the pictures will not be used.